Building an app like Uber using React-Native

Madhu Naidu
1 min readJun 14, 2019


Part 3: Deploy server on cloud

As we saw in the previous part we were able to create a node server and run it locally. Now challenge arises as to how to use this api’s from our android mobile app.

We can try to connect to the node server running locally on our system using public ip etc. But for this our local server should be up every time we try to connect from the app.

Another approach would be to deploy the node server on any public server or cloud. We can use AWS/Azure/Google cloud to deploy our code. If you have an account on any of these cloud providers and aware of deployment procedures please go ahead.

In this tutorial I will be using a free cloud provider heroku.

First create an account on heroku and then to run your NodeJS code on heroku please refer to below link.

Once your node server is deployed on heroku you should be able to access your server anytime from mobile using https://{node-app-name}

Now that we have our server running we will look into how to integrate these api’s in our React Native app



Madhu Naidu

An enthusiastic developer interested in taking up challenges in my daily life